#2015 Vikings Cheer

#2015 Vikings Cheer



Friday, September 11, 2015

Parent Meeting Recap 9-10-15

Good evening vikings!

Recap of tonight's meeting.

1.  Games - Make sure girls arrive to their games 30 minutes early,  bring entire uniform including leggings and under shirts,  and make sure your team coach knows if you are unable to attend.

2.  Updated calendars will be posted tomorrow

3.  Practice - next week Tuesday,  Wednesday,  Thursday at Lidford 6-8 pm.  Practice will then move to waller Rd elementary the following week on the 22nd.  Practice times will shift to 6:15-8:15 the rest of season.  from this point on, the days you practice will depend on your competition team.  We will place all girls on a team next week,  and give you your practice schedule.   All practices will still be scheduled in the Tuesday,  Wednesday, Thursday bracket.  

4.  Nisqually competition is for entire team regardless of age and ability,  and is scheduled for mid November.   For this competition we will have to divide girls into 3 different teams.  This division will determine which days you practice.

5.  PJV elite - if your child is interested in continuing competing with us through January,  try outs are scheduled for Wednesday September 23rd at waller Rd elementary 6:15-8:15.  I will hand out sign up forms next Tuesday,  and if you wish to try out you need to return form to me by next Thursday.   We encourage all girls to tryout.  Also if you know of someone near bye that is outside of the puyallup school district, on a cheer team that does not compete, we welcome them to try out as well.  Come speak to me if you have someone in mind. Elite team will practice every Wednesday.

6.  Pink items - I will be placing the order for pink poms,  bows,  and socks this weekend.   All girls will get bows.   All new girls will get poms and socks.   Returning vikings need to use last year's socks and poms.   If you do not have them you will need to purchase from me.   Poms are $15 and socks are $7. I need to know by tomorrow.

7.  Spirit wear - there was a delay at printing,  but should be complete next week and distributed approximately the 22nd.

8.  Coats - estimated to be completed monday or Tuesday next week.   Hoping to distribute next Thursday.

9.  Feed phs football team is Friday the 18th.  Please see the list on facebook to see what you could donate.   Anyone who can help donate food and/or time is greatly appreciated.  

10.  Cheer boxes - if you have a business that wants to advertise, or if you as a family would like to donate,  we still have a few sides left.   I need this finalized by tomorrow.   We have quite a few families that have purchased a side and created a sign of encouragement for the girls from all of their family.   Let me know if you would like to do the same.  If you have reserved a side, please make sure I have your designs and money by tomorrow.

Thank you all for being so wonderful this year!

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